Label: "budget deficit"

hősök tere budapest fejlődés
October 11, 2023 12:08

IMF warns Hungary may miss even raised deficit target, 2024 goal risky too

New budget deficit estimates published

pénzügyminisztérium épület józsef nádor tér
October 09, 2023 12:00

Hungary budget posts surplus in September, situation remains far from okay

Not an unusual development

October 06, 2023 15:51

Fitch sees Hungary's 2024 deficit target “challenging” after 2023 revision

Expects recession this year, not so sure about next year's recovery either

parlament budapest orzágház getty stock
October 05, 2023 13:00

Hungarian gov't needs to find HUF 1.5 trillion this year despite higher deficit target

The Sword of Damocles is still hanging there

Parragh Laszlo
October 05, 2023 09:05

Hungarian industrial chamber chief engages in war of words with central bank

Parragh would strip MNB of nearly all of its assets, foundations, real estate

October 03, 2023 16:52

Hungary budget gap keeps on widening, gov't was forced to take action

Four-quarter trailing deficit over 8% of GDP

parlament országház budapest nap getty stock
October 03, 2023 15:50

Hungary's Fiscal Council says higher deficit target will not suffice

Urges further measures to stabilise budget

varga mihály pénzügyminiszter
October 03, 2023 08:20

Breaking News: Hungarian gov't raises 2023 deficit target!

First such data publication by KSH-FinMin duo

orbán viktor miniszterelnök kormányfő
September 29, 2023 10:48

Orbán says Brussels is dragging its feet over funds it owes Hungary

Hungarian PM also talks about inflation and economic outlook

parlament országház budapest getty stock
September 28, 2023 13:25

Hungary November pension supplement quantified

After PM Orbán's announcement

mnb jegybank magyar nemzeti bank
September 28, 2023 12:04

Hungary cenbank says gov't will miss deficit goal, inflation to remain high even in 2024

MNB publishes new Report on Inflation

nagy márton
September 22, 2023 17:31

Hungary will have no new bank tax, deficit goal to be raised, fuel prices on the table - minister

Márton Nagy reveals details on the phasing out of the interest rate cap and CSOK

kassza fizetés forint
September 22, 2023 13:15

Hungary's VAT revenues are sinking like a stone - This is why the government is in trouble

Nasty data published for August too

varga mihály 2
September 21, 2023 14:48

Hungary FinMin Varga on the bank tax: it's a fiscal tool but monetary policy cold act too

Government keeps several irons in the fire due to the state of the budget

lyuk deficit mélység zuhanás
September 08, 2023 12:47

Hungarian budget shows largest August gap ever

Quite the slippage

September 06, 2023 08:38

Hungary Eurobond scooped up at quite a spread

Not a cheap issue at all

parlament országház budapest turista getty stock
September 05, 2023 09:32

Analyst says Moody’s latest decision on Hungary gives "false sense of security"

Was the rating agency too soft?

parlament budapest orzágház getty stock
September 05, 2023 08:10

Hungary may need HUF 700 billion more this year

Financing plan modified

Megvan, miért drágította az inflációkövető állampapírokat a kincstár
September 04, 2023 09:00

Moody’s affirms Hungary's ratings

Outlook remains stable